Transnational project meeting in Vigo

Transnational project meeting in Vigo

Transnational project meeting in Vigo

The second face-to-face transnational project meeting was held at the University of Vigo on September 3 – 5, 2024. All project partners sent delegations to attend the meeting, which were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Belén Rubio. During the meeting, the contents of the virtual education modules were discussed and the completion of them were scheduled for the next weeks. One of our stakeholders, CESGA, presented their application to track the students’ activity during outdoor proposals, which was also tested during a one-day outdoor trial at the Cíes Islands, part of the National Park of the Galician Atlantic Islands.

Proyecto outdoor

OUT-DOOR - Blended Outdoor Learning for fostering the employability of newly graduates

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