Privacy policy

Which of my data will be collected?


Only data will be collected that will enable the staff of the OUT-DOOR project partners to perform the tasks specified in the funding agreement. This applies in particular to training, workshops, lectures and learning processes, as well as evaluation studies of the OUT-DOOR project.


A rigorous discussion was held within the OUT-DOOR consortium to limit the amount and type of data collected to a reasonable minimum. Among these are:

  • Personal data (Anonymous. Personal identifiers are kept, as far as possible, separate from other data)
  • Structured and unstructured notes taken by researchers, trainers and experts during the project (used in the delivery of the project to each participant; evidence of participant interventions; allowing seamless transfer of information from one phase to the next)
  • Written and spoken statements (e.g. In interviews – only with explicit consent).
  • Implemented questionnaires and surveys for evaluation and quality assurance studies.
  • Photographs and video clips (used for (a) the OUT-DOOR project, (b) personal recollections, and for (c) documentation, dissemination and promotion of the OUT-DOOR project.


Legal basis / legal compliance


In accordance with GDPR – the Data Protection Act, the OUT-DOOR project collects and processes the described types of user data

  • with your consent;
  • so that we can communicate with you and inform you about the OUT-DOOR project,
  • in the legitimate interest of conducting promotional, dissemination, quality assurance and research activities in accordance with the grant agreement.


A data protection impact assessment is currently being conducted by each of the OUT-DOOR project partners.


What will happen to the data collected in the OUT-DOOR project?


All personal data will be pseudonymized and, where possible, anonymized in accordance with the GDPR and the ethical guidelines for this set by the OUT-DOOR consortium. Your data will be indicated by a unique participation number and every effort will be made to keep separate identifiers such as your name or email address. The data will only be available to a small group of OUT-DOOR partner employees who have signed a data protection statement.


The OUT-DOOR consortium takes a proactive approach to privacy. We do not use profiling or automated decision-making processes. The OUT-DOOR consortium organizations undertake to treat your personal data absolutely confidentially, using it only for the statutory non-commercial purposes of the OUT-DOOR project in accordance with the funding agreement. This applies in particular to the design, conduct and evaluation of training, workshops, lectures and learning processes, as well as evaluation studies of all phases of OUT-DOOR.


Anonymous research findings will be summarized in project reports, journal articles, presentations and other academic and public research outputs. Citations or key findings will always be anonymous in any formal results, unless we have prior and explicit written permission to attribute by name.


Photography and video


Whenever individuals can be identified from their image, data protection laws apply. In such situations, the rights of individuals to collect and use their images must be respected – they must be informed when their image is recognized or captured, and a legal basis must be found before the image is used in any way.


Photographs of individuals and posed groups: When taking photos of a particular person you may want to publish online, you can use “legitimate interest,” “consent” and “contractual obligation” as a legal basis. Remember that consent can be withdrawn at any time and you will have to respond accordingly.


Crowd photos: if crowd photos are taken at an event and the person cannot be identified, then it is not necessary to have a legal basis for taking, displaying or publishing the photo. This applies to all people, students and employees whose images are incidental details, for example, in crowd scenes at matinees, conferences and on campus in general. If the photos are taken at a conference where individuals are likely to be identified even in crowd scenes, then the legal basis is “legitimate interest.” We monitor where your photos are used and store them for up to ten years.


How will my data be stored and processed?


The official organizations of the OUT-DOOR consortium will only store, process and use personal data for the statutory purposes of non-commercial activities within the scope of the OUT-DOOR project and in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Organizations forming the OUT-DOOR consortium are implementing specially designed policies to prevent unauthorized or inappropriate access to this information. All raw electronic data will be stored on the password-protected and restricted-access OUT-DOOR platform. Printed documents (e.g., signed documents, paper surveys) will be securely stored by a staff member of an OUT-DOOR partner (specific to your country).


Data retention


The OUT-DOOR Consortium will retain raw personal data (e.g., real names, recordings of interviews) only as long as necessary, i.e., until the end of the OUT-DOOR project funding period, November 2026.


Appropriately anonymized and processed data sets will be retained after the end of the OUT-DOOR project funding period for data sharing – or a similar GDPR-compliant data depository – for future ethically approved research.


Sharing of data with third parties


Internal data sharing (i.e., within one OUT-DOOR partner organization) and external data sharing (i.e., between OUT-DOOR partner organizations) of participants’ personal data is kept to a minimum and constantly checked for necessity and proportionality, and is only carried out for the purpose of fulfilling the non-commercial activities specified in the OUT-DOOR project funding agreement.


OUT-DOOR partner organizations use internal and external partners to communicate and promote their activities on behalf of OUT-DOOR. Therefore, your personal data/image may be shared with partner agencies involved in promoting innovative education. Your image may also be used on third-party platforms where the OUT-DOOR project has a presence. This currently includes Facebook and LinkedIn. If your image is used online, this will inevitably be subject to international data transfer, and we may also share your photo data with agencies (e.g. Facebook) operating outside of Europe. If you provide personally identifiable information, we will seek your permission to publish this identifying personal information.


Requests from police or law enforcement agencies: The OUT-DOOR Consortium is not legally obligated to provide information to the police unless it receives a court order. However, OUT-DOOR partner organizations usually choose to disclose information where the police or other law enforcement agencies can demonstrate that failure to release may jeopardize the prevention/detection of a crime or the apprehension/prosecution of criminals.


Data controller


For data collected on the OUT-DOOR project, Politechnika Łódzka is the data controller (as defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).


Who can I contact with questions and complaints?


If you have any questions or concerns about participating in OUT-DOOR or about research in the OUT-DOOR project, please contact Politechnika Łódzka (


For general information on the use and protection of data by Politechnika Łódzka




If you wish to make a formal complaint about the study, please contact the Politechnika Łódzka at In your communication, please include the title of the project and detail the nature of your complaint.




You can obtain this document as a recording, in Braille, print and various computer formats if you request it. In this case, please contact Anna Laska-Leśniewicz, (Project Coordinator).


Updates to the document


In the event of changes to OUT-DOOR that affect the processes outlined in this Security and Information Breach Notice to Participants, this document will be updated and all current OUT-DOOR participants will be notified.