Legal notice

This legal notice regulates the use of the services of the Internet portal (hereinafter referred to as the website)


The OUT-DOOR project consortium, represented by Politechnika Łódzka (Polytechnic University of Łódź) with registered office at Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland, as the owner of the website, makes this portal available to internet users in order to provide them with information about services, products and activities related to the “OUT-DOOR” project.


For these purposes, the identification and contact details of all the partners of the project are included below, which can operate indistinctly through this portal depending on the type of service in question:


Polytechnic University of Łódź

Address: Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland.

Telephone: +48 42 631 25 71




Kaunas University of Technology

Address: K. Donelaičio St. 73, 44249 Kaunas, Lithuania.

Telephone: +370 (37) 300 000, 300 421




University of Salento

Address: Piazza Tancredi, 7, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy.

Phone: +39 0832 29111




University of the Azores

Address: Mãe de Deus St. – Ponta Delgada, Portugal.

Phone: +351 296 650 000





Address: Rúa San Roque 57-61, 36204, Vigo, Spain.

Telephone: +34 986 493 464




University of Vigo

Address: Circunvalación ao Campus Universitario, 36310 Vigo, Spain.

Telephone: +34 986 812 000




General conditions of use of the website:


The present conditions regulate the use of the website, which the OUT-DOOR project consortium makes available to Internet users. Access to the website by users is free of charge.


The use of the website confers you the status of user of the same and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the version published at the time you access the website, as well as our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


The project consortium, represented by Politechnika Łódzka, reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its website, at any time and without prior notice, to those users who do not comply with these general provisions as well as the particular provisions that may apply.


Both the pages of this website and the associated social networks may contain articles, news, comments or evaluations on different topics that the consortium may consider of interest to you, and whose content reflects solely the opinion or criteria of their authors.


Modifications to the contents of the site and interruptions in access:


The OUT-DOOR project consortium reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the services and information contained in the website.


The consortium does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of its website and/or its services or content, nor that it is permanently updated. However, whenever reasonably possible, prior warning will be given of any interruptions in the functioning of the website and the services offered therein. In this context, the consortium declines any liability for possible damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the functioning of the website and the services offered through it.


Exemption from liability:


The OUT-DOOR project consortium, represented by Politechnika Łódzka, is not responsible for the use or destination given by users to the information provided through the website or any of its services, nor for the comments, opinions and ideas disseminated from social networks in which members of the consortium have profiles or other participatory tools made available to users. In this sense, the consortium members shall not be held responsible for the information and contents stored, including but not limited to, in comments, social networks or any other means that allow third parties to publish contents independently on the website.


The OUT-DOOR project consortium shall not be liable, either directly or indirectly, for damages of any kind that may occur in the user’s computer system (both hardware and software) or in the documents stored in it as a result of the user’s access to this website, due to computer viruses, breakdowns, or causes beyond the consortium’s control. Neither shall the consortium be responsible for the use of the information contained on the website, nor for the lack of truthfulness or accuracy of its content.


Users shall be solely responsible for the reality of all the data they communicate through the website or associated social networks, undertaking to make diligent and confidential use of the passwords that may be provided by the consortium of the OUT-DOOR project for access to the services. Consequently, users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords provided to them by the consortium and undertake not to transfer their use to third parties or allow access to outsiders. Users are also obliged to immediately notify the project consortium, represented by Politechnika Łódzka, of any incident that may involve the improper use of the aforementioned identifiers (theft, loss, etc.) in order to proceed to their cancellation. Until such events are communicated, the members of the consortium shall be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse of identifiers or passwords by unauthorised third parties.


This website may provide access, by means of links, to other web pages that may be of interest to users for the sole purpose of facilitating the search for resources on the Internet, i.e. for purely informative purposes, without in any case implying a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of the same. These pages managed by third parties do not belong to the consortium or Politechnika Łódzka nor do they review their contents, so they are not responsible for the quality, accuracy or veracity of the same or the operation of the linked page, nor for any damages that may arise from their access or use.


General conditions of use of the blog, social networks and other collaborative tools:


Participation in the social networks to which this website is linked or in any other service offered by the same, implies full and unreserved adherence to these Conditions, with the owner reserving the right to deny or withdraw access to the same ex officio or the request of a third party, without the need for prior notice, to those users who fail to comply with the same. The social networks and other services are intended to be a free digital tool that the project consortium makes available to the visitors of its website for the dissemination of information related to the OUT-DOOR project activity.


Likewise, any offensive, violent, discriminatory comment, or that could disrupt the normal operation of these tools will be removed. In particular, the publication of promotions and links to commercial offers is prohibited, as well as the collection of data for advertising purposes. If a user is affected by illegal actions or actions that contravene these conditions, or detects misuse of the digital tools of the website by other users, he/she may notify Politechnika Łódzka by e-mail at, so that the latter may moderate or remove the same. In any case, neither the consortium nor Politechnika Łódzka can be held responsible for the comments posted by users, which only express the opinion of their author. In accordance with data protection regulations, prior to disseminating personal data of third parties through these tools, especially photographic or audiovisual information, you must have the consent of their owners, and otherwise refrain from including the aforementioned information. In any case, users are recommended to take special care when publishing such content, to avoid endangering the privacy and intimacy of people around them, and not to publish physical contact information that would allow anyone to know where they live, where they work or study on a daily basis, or the places of leisure they usually frequent. Likewise, users must only use and publish content for which they have sufficient intellectual property rights.


Intellectual and industrial property:


All content available on the website (texts, graphics, videos, images, logos, icons, audio clips, data compilations and software, trademarks, trade names, etc.) are the property of the OUT-DOOR project consortium and are protected by the Intellectual and Industrial Property laws, and therefore the reproduction and/or publication, in whole or in part of the website, or its computer processing, distribution, public communication, modification or transformation, is not permitted without the prior written permission of those responsible for the website. Under no circumstances shall it be understood that access and browsing by the user implies a waiver, transmission, licence or total or partial transfer of said rights by the consortium or Politechnika Łódzka. The material provided through the same may only be used for personal and private use, and may not be used for commercial purposes or for activities contrary to the law.


Links will only be allowed on the main pages of the websites, and any type of practice that may lead to error as to the origin of the contents is forbidden. In any case, such links must respect the following conditions:

  • The establishment of the link shall not imply any kind of agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation by the consortium or Politechnika Łódzka of the page that makes the link. They shall not imply any relationship or collaboration with the linked entity, unless expressly stated otherwise.
  • The website on which the hyperlink is established shall not contain information with content that is unlawful, discriminatory, contrary to commonly accepted ethical principles or contrary to public order, nor shall it contain content contrary to any rights of third parties.
  • Consortium members may request the removal of a link to this website without giving any reason. In such a case, the page that has made the link must proceed to its immediate removal, as soon as it receives the corresponding notification.
  • The members of the consortium are in no way responsible for and do not guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of the contents or services that the establishment of the hyperlink may offer. The user assumes sole responsibility for any consequences, damages or actions that may arise from accessing the hyperlinked website.
  • The web page on which the hyperlink is established may not contain any trademark, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the consortium or Politechnika Łódzka except those signs that are part of the hyperlink itself.


The user undertakes to use the website in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from:

  • Carrying out “framings” or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of the website.
  • Suppressing, evading or manipulating registration data, trademarks and other data identifying the rights of the consortium, incorporated into the contents and/or services offered from the website, as well as technical protection devices or any information mechanism that may be contained therein.
  • Use the contents and in particular, the information of the consortium or Politechnika Łódzka obtained through its website to send advertising, communications for the purposes of direct sales or any other kind of commercial purpose, or unsolicited messages addressed to a number of people.
  • In general, to use the contents in a manner, for purposes or with effects contrary to the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order.
  • Use, reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or carry out any similar or analogous activity on the contents of the website and linked portals, without the prior and express authorisation of the project consortium.


The project consortium, represented by Politechnika Łódzka, authorises the total or partial reproduction of the texts and contents provided on the website provided that each and every one of the following conditions are met:

  • The integrity of the contents, documents or graphics is maintained.
  • The OUT-DOOR project consortium is expressly cited as the source and origin of the contents.
  • The purpose and aim of such use is compatible with the purposes of the website and/or the activity of the consortium.
  • No commercial use is intended, and distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation is expressly forbidden.


Any other use must be previously and expressly communicated to and authorised by the project consortium, represented by Politechnika Łódzka.


Protection of personal data and cookies:


Personal data collected through the website will be treated at all times in accordance with the current regulations on the protection of personal data, as detailed in the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.


Legislation and Jurisdiction:


Questions related to the use of this website or its contents shall be governed by and interpreted, in each and every one of their ends, in accordance with this Legal Notice and European legislation, the parties submitting themselves, for any litigious matter arising from the same, to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Poland, Spain, Portugal, Italy or Lithuania, except in cases where it is not legally permitted, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.